WA roadmap: Federal government say eastern states have ‘proven’ we can live with the virus

The Federal government is eagerly awaiting the announcement of WA’s pending roadmap, which is set to be released tomorrow.
WA is the last state to reveal it’s plan for easing restrictions and living with COVID-19.
Treasurer josh Frydenberg told Gareth Parker it will be tough at first but the eastern states have shown it’s possible.
“You can’t effectively eliminate the virus,” he said
“What that means is there will some people who get sick and unfortunately and tragically some people will die and at times there will be an increase in cases.
“The alternative is to stay closed to the world or lockdown large parts of your population.
“I don’t think they are reasonable solutions to an ongoing challenge.”
Mr Frydenberg said he is “very pleased” with the increase economic activity he’s seeing in NSW and Victoria with their easing of restrictions. Also, Qantas and Virgin are reporting a big increase in ticket sales.
“Let’s hope people can make their way to Perth sooner rather than later.”
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