Travel agent warned ‘We’ll put you on the AFP watch list’

Tomorrow, travel agents and tourism businesses are organising a targeted campaign to plead with State and Federal MPs about the dire situation that their industry finds themselves in.
Best4Travel are a part of the Aussie Travel Action Group and tomorrow they will be among the 2000 members who will be contacting local MPs around Australia demanding there be financial support for the travel industry as they’ve been one of the hardest hit and severely impacted industries during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Scott Campbell from Best4Travel told Perth Live how local politicians have responded in the past “…it has been falling on deaf ears, there’s been a lot of sympathy out there but at the same token we’re getting a lot of very harsh comments from some of the advisors, including ‘there’s no more support’, ‘have you contacted beyond blue?’, ‘we’ll put you on a AFP watch list.’ they’re just terrible comments to industry people who have just struggled for the past 2 years.”
The industry is still hard at work on obtaining refunds for customers and managing credits for clients. The refunds and credits are worth more than $3 billion dollars to the Australian Economy.