Rumour confirmed: youths terrorised Iluka residents during Halloween festivities

Today the rumour file heard that Iluka residents had their homes damaged during Halloween by youths throwing eggs.
City of Joondalup mayor Albert Jacob confirmed the rumour with Gareth Parker, saying his house was also targeted in the “premeditated attack.”
“We had a great Halloween party in our suburb.
“After the event, a group of about 20 youths, clearly premeditated, all in dark clothes, found a little hidey hole in the park.
“They threw well over 100 eggs at passing cars, houses (including mine) and young girls and women got hit.
“It was really bad.”
Mayor Jacobs said the youths went as far as chasing down teenage girls and chasing people into their houses.
“One of my neighbours has had over $5000 worth of damage from this.”
Police are currently investigating.
Press PLAY to hear more about the incident: