PERTH BUSHFIRES | Generous West Aussies warned of donation scams

As the number of homes destroyed in the Wooroloo bushfires continues to rise, Western Australians have rallied around people who have lost everything.
A number of online fundraisers have popped up, and Consumer Protection are warning people to be careful when donating to unofficial accounts.
Consumer Protection compliance coordinator Paul Cvejic told Millsy at Midday people need to be cautious of fake Go Fund Me accounts.
“I’d be really wary about donating to any Go Fund Me page that you don’t actually know who they are,” he said.
“We saw it last year with the bushfires in New South Wales.”
ScamNet recommend donating to registered funds to ensure the money goes directly to the victims.
The Lord Mayor’s Distress Relief Fund has been activated and people can donate by calling 1300 998 227.
A full list of registered support organisations can be found here.
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(Photo: Evan Collis/DFES.)