‘Gone rogue’: WA doctor echoes Gareth Parker’s criticism of AMA

A doctor who preferred to remain anonymous has emailed 6PR Breakfast host Gareth Parker, echoing his claims the Australian Medical Association of WA was fearmongering over a possible COVID-19 outbreak once the border opened.
“I have left the AMA over this, after being a member for 14 years,” he wrote, while citing his wife and five other colleagues who had also left.
“Instead of being a nuanced, voice of reason, instead of being rational and evidence based, the AMA have gone rogue.
“It’s almost as if they are not alarmist, they are not relevant.
“I’ve already written to The West Australian asking them to stop calling the AMA chief ‘WA’s top doc’ when he is just a union boss. The police union boss is not called ‘WA’s top cop’.”
AMA WA president Mark Duncan-Smith was slammed by Parker after claiming the state could experience a peak of up to 60,000 cases of COVID-19 a day if restrictions were not brought in immediately.
Tap PLAY below to hear the doctor’s full email to the program.
Image: WAMN