Former top doc says mandates no longer needed in WA

Former Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr Nick Coatsworth says WA is in the best position possible to open on March 3.
The former top doc told Perth Live how COVID-19 is less severe than the flu.
“Flu actually puts people in hospital from a far boarder age group…whereas COVID-19 is obviously a disease with a very marked aged gradient.”
Dr Coatsworth went on to say that he’d be surprised if WA records four deaths a day due to the state’s high vaccination levels and that it’s time for the state government to wind back the mandates.
“You get to that 96% level, really should people be losing their jobs at that point? From my point of view, it’s a clear no and we should start to wind back those mandates, keep them in health and aged care.
“In young, fit, healthy adults and children, the statistics tell us that this is overwhelmingly a mild disease”.