Zak Kirkup refuses to let candidate speak about husband’s homophobic views

Zak Kirkuk has refused to let a liberal candidate speak for herself, after questions were raised by reporters about her husband’s views on homosexuality.
The car-crash press conference was held in Bentley this morning, announcing a $50 million manufacturing fund election commitment.
Intensive care nurse Amanda-Sue Markham is running for the Liberals in the seat of Victoria Park, and was asked questions about her election campaign.
Nine News Perth reporter Jacqueline Robson asked Mrs Markham whether she shared her pastor husband’s views that homosexuals can be “cleansed” and “healed”.
Before Ms Markham could answer Liberal leader Zak Kirkup stepped in to deflect the question.
“I think that it’s important we continue to talk about the critical strategic and manufacturing fund we’ve announced here today,” Mr Kirkup said.
The Nine News Perth Reporter continued to press Kirkup on why Mrs Markham wasn’t allowed to speak for herself.
Robson spoke with 6PR’s Oliver Peterson on Perth Live about the exchange this afternoon.
“The opposition leader took over and we didn’t hear from her again,” she said.
Former WA Premier Colin Barnett called the Perth Live program to tell Oliver Peterson that political candidates are “fair game” for the media but spouses and family should be off limits, unless used on the campaign trail.
Click play to watch the press conference.
Click play to hear more on Perth Live with Oliver Peterson.