Police Union boss at a loss as crime escalates in the Kimberley

The WA Police Union are lobbying the police force for more officers and two state government departments for more support after a rapid escalation in serious offences in WA’s north.
The call comes as leaders embark on a two-day tour of the Kimberley region that’s experiencing a juvenile crime crisis.
Police Minister Paul Papalia on Monday detailed the ‘horrifying’ crimes occurring in the Kimberley and Pilbara region on 6PR Breakfast.
WAPU president Mick Kelly told Gareth Parker on Wednesday the union was urgently in need of support to deal with the offending juveniles.
“I’ve never seen it like this Gareth… they appear to be deliberately baiting our members,” he said.
“It’s certainly escalating and it’s time now for the WA Premier to get his ministers in order and assist us.
“We need places where we can put the offenders when they’re apprehended … there should be programs that we can get them involved in, get them out of that justice system.
“We’ve got a core group now that have offended so many times and the offending is serious and requires ultimately them being conveyed to the Children’s Court.”
Tap PLAY below to hear more on the issues in the Kimberley.