The Prime Minister’s stern message to those chasing COVID-19 to ‘get it over with’

The Prime Minister has reminded Australians they can be re-infected with the Omicron strain of COVID-19, expressing concern at reports some people are deliberately trying to contract the coronavirus to ‘get it over with’.
Scott Morrison said it was vital Australians did what they could to avoid contracting COVID-19 to ease pressure on hospitals.
“All this nonsense about ‘COVID parties’ is ridiculous,” the Prime Minister said on Thursday following a meeting of National Cabinet.
“Re-infection can occur with Omicron.
“If you think you can go out there and get the virus and ‘get it over with’ – that’s not how it works.”
Mr Morrison said governments, both state and federal, were constantly trying to strike a balance between keeping the economy going and not putting hospitals under any more strain than necessary.
“It’s not easy, it’s putting a lot of pressure on people, but it’s being achieved,” he said.
Meanwhile, the PM said the “health advice” was schools could return safely later this month.
“It is absolutely essential for schools to go back, safely, and remain safely open,” he said.