The end of an era: A message from Sue McDougall to 6PR listeners

After 27 years, 6PR’s resident gardening expert, Sue McDougall, is leaving her staple weekend gardening program.
Sue has been appointed as the Director of the Western Australian Botanic Garden.
A statement from Sue is below.
27 years ago, I was forwarded the incredible opportunity to share my gardening knowledge and
inspiration with our 6PR family. For which I am forever grateful, I have been privileged to take our
gardening audience on a journey every weekend to plant, prune and protect our green spaces for
our current and future generations. I often tell the story of how I started as a fill in, I was actually the
second choice and put my hand up and said I’d fill in until they found someone to do the gardening
show full time.
It is because of this 6PR will always have a very special place in my heart and there is only one job
that I would change what I am currently doing for. My 6PR audience was my experiment and have
helped shaped my communication skills I have developed over the last 27 years.
So, it was with excitement and a little hesitation and a few tears that 5 weeks ago I accepted the role
as Director of the Western Australian Botanic Garden.
I have been given the incredible opportunity to lead at team of world class scientists, plant breeders,
arborists and horticulturists to ensure our local Western Australian species play a prominent role not
only in our own gardens, but in public spaces and for conservation.
I have been humbled in the support that has been shown to me once I accepted my new role and
informed the team here. To my 6PR family, Emily, Simon, Steve, Kerrod, Damon, Philippa, Taz and Michelle whom I work most closely with thankyou for being so accommodating, enthusiastic and selfless with your support for my pursuits. Only a few of the incredible people I work with, who make 6PR what makes it so successful.
There will be more to say in the next few weeks, I am sure, but to our 6PR family and gardening
audience, thankyou for tuning in every Saturday and Sunday morning to follow the garden information. I can’t do what I do without you. Commercial radio is all about numbers and without your support I
would have enjoyed a sleep in or two on the weekend. Thank you for keeping me busy. Thank you for
supporting my family and following their journey and looking out for them. Weekends are a lot more
than gardening advice, it’s about community, the environment and our plants.
This isn’t the end of my association with 6PR, I am continuing on the weekend until the Christmas
break and have formed an association with Kings Park and 6PR for me to continue to inspire you
through the week on Wednesday afternoon with Millsy. You will be bombarded with many plants
and stories from the hill in addition to the standard garden advice.
My role as the Director of the Western Australian Botanic garden follows some very dedicated
passionate plants people who have shaped Kings Park as an ‘must see’ destination for locals and
visitors. I have been given the responsibility (along with many other passionate and inspirational team members) to take Kings Park to the next step in pursuit of excellence in everything we do and
ensure it is relevant for the coming 50 years. It’s a responsibility I don’t take it lightly and hope that I
can extend the focus of botanic gardens in Western Australia, beyond Kings Park and Bold Park.
As Western Australians we have an unique product that’s the envy of the world, our species are
suited to our hot drying climate. I am so excited to play a part in ensuring the conservation and
presentation of Western Australian plants for generations yet.
Press PLAY to hear Sue’s farewell