Sniper appeals 20-year jail term for murder of Rebels bikie boss Nick Martin

The convicted murderer of Nick Martin is appealing his 20-year sentence for the public execution murder of the Rebels bikie boss.
The 35-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, avoided a life sentence for the murder at Kwinana Motorplex in an extraordinary turn of events last month after he promised to help prosecute the man who ordered him to pull the trigger.
During the sniper’s sentencing last month, the accused alleged Comanchero David Pye had ordered the hit on Martin before asking that he take out another foe — Comanchero boss Ray Cilli, who is believed to be in Thailand.
The court was told Pye had promised to pay $150,000 for Martin to be killed, but in the end only paid the sniper a fraction of the price.
In sentencing the sniper to a fixed term, Justice Stephen Hall said the offender would have received a life sentence with least 30 years had he not promised to testify against Pye in future.