Shooters Union urging on State Government to review proposed gun laws

The State Government has proposed strict new laws on gun owners in a bid to stop the weapons ending up in the hands of bikies.
Proposed changes would see bikies slapped with a 10 year firearm prohibition order that would allow police to stop and search them without warrants.
Shooters Union of Australia WA Co-ordinator, Peter Heggie, says the laws will turn anyone who owns a gun turned into a criminal.
“It’s not just about the firearm prohibition orders. Some of the concerns we have are things like making a simple repair to your firearm could actually fall you foul of the law under this new belt,” he said.
Speaking on Perth LIVE, Mr Heggie said the new laws are warranted, but there needs to be changes.
“If we take for example a farmer who lives 2000 kilometers away from the local gunsmith – if they need to replace a trigger that they need on their firearm for pest control, technically under this new bill that is now illegal,” he told
He also fears people without guns could be targeted by the law.
“Say for instance if you have grandad’s ‘book of military firearms’ and it’s got schematics of old World War Two rifles in there – under this bill, congratulations you’ve just become a criminal,” Mr Heggie said.
The Union is urging the State Government for industry consultation.
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