Roger Cook replaced as Health Minister in major Cabinet reshuffle

Roger Cook has been replaced as WA Health Minister in an extensive Cabinet reshuffle announced by Premier Mark McGowan on Friday.
Mr Cook will be replace by current Environment Minister Amber-Jade Sanderson, who will also pick up Mental Health.
Mr Cook will now be the Minister for Minister for State Development, Jobs and Trade; Tourism; Commerce and Science.
Current Sports Minister Tony Buti was also moved into Finance; Racing and Gaming; Aboriginal Affairs; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests.
The Premier paid special tribute to Mr Cook after announcing the reshuffle.
“Can I thank all of the Minister who have performed their roles over the course of this year, since the election up until now,” he said.
“In particular Minister Cook who’s undertaken the very important but grueling role as Health Minister over the course of the last five years, and Shadow Health Minister for eight years before that.”
Stephen Dawson will become the Minister for Emergency Services; Innovation and ICT; Research and Volunteering.
David Templeman will become Minister for the Arts; Sport and Recreation; International Education; Heritage and Leader of the House.
Bill Johnston will become Minister for Mines and Petroleum; Energy; Corrective Services and Industrial Relations.
John Carey will become Minister for Housing; Lands; Homelessness and Local Government.
Don Punch will become Minister for Disability Services; Fisheries; Seniors and Ageing and Small Business
Reece Whitby will become Minister for the Environment and Climate Action.
The Premier’s portfolios will not change.
Image: 9News