Red-winged parrots are getting drunk off fermenting mangoes in the Kimberly

Red-winged Parrots in the Kimberly have taken a liking to fermenting mangoes that have fallen from trees.
A Broome vet has reportedly seen to multiple parrots who have been brought in because they’re drunk and have become disorientated.
Avian trainer and behaviourist consultant, Lee Stone, said a Parrot’s behaviour will change considerably when they’ve been eating the fermented mangoes.
“The bird might end up on the ground looking a bit disoriented, they don’t seem to be able to fly anymore, they might be lethargic, they allow people to approach them where normally they would fly off,” she said on 6PR Breakfast.
“And this can actually lead to confusion, we see members of the public who think they’ve found a pet bird.
“But the bird is just so lethargic and disorientated, often they’re quite malnourished as well, and so they’re just easy to pick up because they’re not well.
“And so it’s really important that those people who do pick the birds up don’t take them home and take them to the vet clinic, because they do need treatment.”
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