Queensland woman arrested trying to attend AFL Grand Final

A 29-year-old woman has been arrested, charged and refused bail after failing to comply with quarantine and travel directions given to her upon arriving in WA.
Earlier in the week the Queenslander applied for a G2G pass, stating she was attending the AFL Grand Final on Saturday. Police informed the woman she would not be able to attend given she will be required to self quarantine for 14-days.
However, the woman still flew to Perth from Queensland on Wednesday, where she was advised of her quarantine requirements. It will be alleged the woman failed to attend her nominated hotel accommodation in East Perth, instead attending another two hotels in the company of a man known to her. It is further alleged that the woman failed to declare to the hotel that she was subject to a self-quarantine direction, and that she was not wearing a face mask during this time.
The woman will appear in Perth Magistrates Court today, Thursday 23 September 2021.
(Photo by Matt Jelonek/Getty Images)