LATEST: National Cabinet makes call on masks, booster shots and the prospect of lockdowns

Australia will soon have one set of rules and requirements across all states and territories when it comes to the definition of “casual” and “close” contact with COVID-19.
Scott Morrison detailed the latest meeting of National Cabinet on Wednesday.
The Australian Health Protection Principal Committee will make recommendations on what that exact definition should be over next fortnight.
The Prime Minister said testing requirements for interstate travel was putting “unnecessary pressure” on the testing system.
He has called for calm and “common sense” as the Omicron variant begins to spread across the country, encouraging Australians to get their booster shot as soon as they are eligible.
There is no official change to the interval between doses, a decision Mr Morrison said would be left to ATAGI.
He said mask wearing indoors was “highly recommended” but a mandate would not be instated.
He also ruled out lockdowns.
“Australians have worked very hard to have this Christmas together, and we want to protect that,” Mr Morrison said.
“One of the things we agreed to today (is) we are not going back to lockdowns. We do not want to go back to lockdowns.”
The government will also increase the payment to GPs and chemists by $10 per dose of a booster vaccine.
State vaccination hubs will also run again to deliver booster shots.
(Photo by Brendon Thorne/Getty Images)