Is this WA’s longest-standing employee?

When news City of Kwinana employee Angus Walley was retiring after 52 years, it prompted 6PR to see if there was a longer-serving current employee at a WA business.
Indigenous local Angus Walley is now “a bit of a utility man” at the City, having worked as a surveyor’s assistant, road crew and property service officer.
“I gotta leave some energy to do a bit of work around home, mate,” he told 6PR Breakfast host Mark Gibson, filling in until Gareth Parker returns on Monday.
Breakfast listener Phillip, a supervisor at Western Power, where he has worked 39 years, said a colleague was retiring later this month after 53 years at the company, while a female colleague there recently retired after 55 years.
6PR Breakfast’s own executive producer Shane Douglas has been at the station for 35 years straight, 37 years all up.
Tap PLAY to hear from Angus and other long-serving employees at other businesses.
Do you know anyone who has worked longer at the same company than Angus? Let us know on our social media pages or
Image: City of Kwinana