Ex-employee, foster carers reveal shocking dysfunction at Department of Communities

A former Communities employee has spoken out at the ongoing dysfunction at the department.
‘Louise’ told Liam Bartlett she had witnessed a raft of flawed practices during her time working there and as a foster carer.
The 6PR Mornings program was inundated with listeners wanting to share their experience after serious claims were last week levelled against the government’s largest department, which is responsible for protecting at-risk WA children.
The allegations went to the heart of child protection and resulted in the woman being threatened by the department with a jail term.
On Thursday, ‘Louise’ told Bartlett she had witnessed first hand the dysfunction of the Department of Communities, which she said had been “failing children for years”.
“I worked for the department for five years and actually chose to leave because of the continuous reactive decision making that I was witnessing, which was having incredibly poor outcomes for kids in care,” she said.
Another listener who contacted 6PR Mornings, foster dad ‘Mark’, told Bartlett about a struggle to get his foster grandchildren reunited and back under the care, which incidentally has already cost he and his wife $60,000 in legal fees, while their mum continued to use drugs.