Dockers player and assistant coach breach quarantine

Docker Brandon Walker has been fined $1000 for breaching home quarantine.
Police say the 18-year-old took his dog for a walk after a training session on Tuesday.
A club statement said Walker told them himself, saying the breach was accidental and police were contacted. They’ve given the young player an official warning.
Meanwhile, Dockers assistant coach Josh Carr is facing three counts of Failing to Comply with a Direction.
It’s alleged the 41-year-old, who’d returned from Queensland with the team last Sunday night and was required to quarantine for 14 days unless at authorised activities, was not at home on Wednesday when police arrived to check.
It’s further alleged he travelled to a number of locations outside those officially recognised, and on two separate occasions allowed people into his home.
A COVID test has returned a negative result.
Police revoked the Carr’s modified quarantine direction, serving him with a further written direction confining him to his premises. In effect, he is unable to attend training or games for the remainder of his quarantine period, ending on August 8.