City of Mandurah backs non-compensation of businesses impacted by foreshore construction

City of Mandurah CEO, Casey Milhovich joined 6PR’s Perth Today following feedback from a 6PR listener that foreshore construction is impacting nearby businesses and that business owners were not consulted.
Casey Milhovich told Simon Beaumont,”We definitely consulted. I was in many meetings in relation to the northern business owners on the eastern foreshore and we were holding fortnightly meetings in relation to the consultation around the proposed works…”
When asked as to whether the City had changed its mind on compensating businesses, Milhovich responded, “No, we have not changed our mind. What’s important to recognise is that we are significantly investing in our city centre and our foreshores for it to be a destination.”
Click PLAY to hear the full interview.
Hear more highlights from 6PR’s Perth Today below:
Image: City of Mandurah/Facebook