Border delays costing businesses thousands

Due to the WAs border reopening before pushed back indefinitely last night, many businesses are today reeling over the decision.
Dredge Robotics is one of the many companies affected, set to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars in worldwide contracts because the border reopening has been delayed.
“It really puts us in a difficult position. We’ve tried so hard to engage with the government to even get some certainty around if we send people away for the last 18-months, can we at least get them back even if we need to quarantine them and we have had zero success with members of parliament, police, anyone we’ve talked to, we’ve just been stonewalled the whole time”.
” We war-gamed this and said right, what if Mr McGowan decides to change his mind and we saw it as a possibility…I mean he was talking last week about the February 5 opening and this and that and then last night just this crazy backflip. even the language ‘me and I’ there’s no ‘we sat down and collaboratory thought of this’ it’s just bam, ‘I’ve made a decision and off we go’ and he just takes the rug out.” – said Commercial Manager, Antony Old on Perth Live.