AFP release new campaign with a strong message to Australians about illicit drug use

A new Australian Federal Police social media campaign called ‘Have A Conscious’ has been released to highlight the real horror of illicit drug use.
The campaign focuses on the use of cocaine, methamphetamine and heroin.
This comes after more than 38 tonnes of drugs have been seized already this year despite closed borders.
Chris Craner, Assistant Commissioner Australian Federal Police, told Liam Bartlett the demand for these drugs is stronger than the border closures.
“It is still coming through, the plane loads are still coming over, it’s in the post, it comes by sea …Â we need to stop that money because every dollar is literally lining the pockets of the outlaw motorcycle gangs, supporting sexual servitude, prostitution, a whole range of badness that people don’t put their heads to when they start taking this drug,” he said.
“If you think of where the cocaine and where the illicit drugs come from, what it is doing to the forest, what it is doing to child sexual servitude, prostitution, the chemicals, the battery acid, the crap you are putting in-yourself and the dumb decision you will make.
“While you are sober, have a think about things … if you don’t care about yourself, try and think about what it will do for your community globally.
“Just think bigger, think smarter.”
Press PLAY for the whole interviewÂ
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